Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, April 23, 2023

This is the Day the Lord Has Made

Message from Our Lady to Valentina Papagna in Sydney, Australia on April 9, 2023


This morning, before going to church, while I was praying, The Angelus, Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy, came rushing in. Dressed all in white, She was smiling and happy, full of excitement and exhilaration.

So full of joy, and with Her hands raised, She exclaimed, “Jesus is Risen! Jesus is Risen!”

“Jesus, My Son is Risen!” She said again.

“After so much crucial suffering, He is Risen, and He is Alive!”

“Praise Him and give Him thanks for what He has done. Every year He repeats His Passion and Resurrection to give new hope to people.”

“Valentina! Tell Him that you love Him. In that way, you console Him for all who don’t believe in Him.”

I said, “Thank you, my beautiful Mother Mary Most Holy. Alleluia!”

Source: ➥